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Mobile Internet Browser

  • Bursa Malaysia Equities & Derivatives Real-Time Streaming Feed.
  • Cross Border Equities Feed.
  • Board Lot Market, Buy In Board Lot Market, Odd Lot Market, Buy In Odd Lot Market & Off Market.
  • Market Summary, Indices & Scoreboard.
  • Stock Info, Market Depth and Stock Tracker.
  • Intraday Chart & Analysis Chart.
  • Symbol Search.
  • Stock Filter.
  • Research Reports.
  • Stock News & Announcement.
  • Fundamental Analysis Report, Financial Report & Stock Screener.
  • Dividend & Warrant Analysis.
  • Order Status, Order History & Order Log.
  • Multi-Instrument Order Pad with Currency Settlement Option.
  • Day Order & Good-Till-Date Order.
  • Client’s Account Report & Statement.
  • Portfolio & Realised Gain / Loss.
  • Watch List.
  • eSettlement & eDeposit.
  • Market Data Subscriptions.
  • Breakeven Calculator & Share Margin Calculator.
  • Setting, Stock Alert & Theme.
Note: Certain Features Are Not Available On Mobile Phone Version.
  • You will need a mobile device(such as iPhone, iPad, Android Phone, Galaxy Tab etc) with internet connection (3G, 4G or Wifi).
  • You have to be an i*Trade@CIMB online trading account holder with CIMB Investment Bank Berhad.
Steps to get started:
  • Step 1 : Go to
  • Step 2 : Select Login to “Trading Hall”
  • Step 3 : Enter your Username and Password to login
  • Before commencing buying and selling of equities or futures via i*Trade@CIMB, please ensure you have activated your i*Trade@CIMB equities or futures trading account with CIMB Investment Bank.
  • Do not disclose your trading PIN to anyone.
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