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Latest Notice » SGX Continuous Trading effective on 1st Aug 2011
SGX Continuous Trading effective on 1st Aug 2011
Dear i*Trade@CIMB customers, We wish to inform you that Singapore Exchange’s (SGX) securities market will trade continuously all day with effect from 1st August 2011. The launch of Continuous All-Day Trading of stocks, warrants, ADRs, ETFs and other securities on Singapore Exchange (SGX) marks an important milestone for investors and Singapore. With continuous trading, investors can trade securities non-stop between 9.00 am - 5.00 pm on trading days. Therefore, investors will be able to react to international market movements and news flow anytime during the session. Continuous All-Day Trading ensures that Singapore remains a leading financial centre, nimble and ever-ready to meet investors’ constantly evolving needs.
The following are the New Trading Hours and Session States sequence that will be applicable.
For any further enquiries, please contact i*Trade@CIMB call centre at 03-2084 9890 or e-mail us at [email protected].
Yours sincerely,
CIMB Investment Bank Berhad (18417-M) (A Participating Organisation of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad)